Theater-Butoh workshop with 4RUDE
-2 days
"Body produced by perception"
-3 days + Final performance
"Flower", "Chair"
-6 days + Final performance
"Crime and Punishment Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ"
"Kafka Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ "

2 Day Butoh workshop
"Body produced by perception"
2 Day Butoh workshop
"Body produced by perception"
This workshop is based on "Butoh-fu ("fu" means score in Japanese)". Butoh-fu has been transmitted orally by Tatsumi Hijikata. His choreographic method aims "to physicalize images through words," and those words are called Butoh-fu. Every word of this notation has its own choreographic meaning for the performer.
The mold of Butoh-fu is very strict, but there is also a lot of blank space entrusted to a dancer. Butoh-fu can provide a vast image for an artist...
The menu of the workshop
Day 1) Butoh-Basics standing, feeling, walking
Day 2) Moving with Butoh-fu.*
Improvisation with Butoh-fu.
How to start? How to make space? How to end?
You should control strictly your own body. Then you will be free.
Data from previous editions
- October 2015, at Tatwerk, Berlin
- February 2016, at Tatwerk, Berlin
- July 2016, at Tatwerk, Berlin
- May 2022, at Studio 2 des ITI, Berlin

3 Day workshop and Performance
"Flower", "Chair"
3 Day workshop and Performance
"Flower", "Chair"
In this workshop, we make a performance that use the basic techniques of Butoh.
We introduce the participants to basic butoh techniques and authentic choreographies of the founder of butoh – Tatsumi Hijikata.
“Butoh-fu is a notation of butoh dance. Butoh-fu seems like poetry, but is “physical language”. It is a kind of symbol for the choreographer and dancer to share I and movement. A word is not only a tool for recording, but is used as a kind of medium to expand a physical image with imagination.”
On the final day, the performance created over the three days is shown to the audience.
Data from previous editions
- October 2015, at Tatwerk, Berlin
- December 2016, at NAFTA, Sofia
- January 2018, at Tatwerk, Berlin
- January 2020, at Studio 2 des ITI, Berlin
- March 2023, at Studio 2 des ITI, Berlin

6 Day Theater-Butoh experiment
"Crime and Punishment Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ"
6 Day Theater-Butoh experiment
"Crime and Punishment Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ"
In this workshop, we learn the Butoh method and we will also experience the creation process of the Theater-Butoh piece.
The motif of the performance is "Crime and Punishment".
4RUDE has developed and performed a work based on this novel as a trilogy in Tokyo in 2005-2007. This trilogy was approached from the theatrical side to the literature, in this workshop we will experiment w the approach from the Butoh.
This workshop is based on "Butoh-fu ("fu" means score in Japanese)". Butoh-fu has been transmitted orally by Tatsumi Hijikata. His choreographic method aims "to physicalize images through words," and those words are called Butoh-fu. Every word of this notation has its own choreographic meaning for the performer. The mold of Butoh-fu is very strict, but there is also a lot of blank space entrusted to a dancer. Butoh-fu can provide a vast image for an artist. We will also build up strong bodies and voices by using the training based on Suzuki-Method Actor's Training.
You have to control strictly your own body t be free.
Maco and Hikaru Inagawa make a Theater-Butoh Piece with the participants through this Workshop. That piece is based on "Crime and Punishment" a novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Performances will be held on the last day of this Workshop.
Data from previous editions
- April 2016, at Tatwerk, Berlin
"Crime and Punishment Ⅱ -Katerina Ivanovna-"
- November 2016, at Tatwerk, Berlin
"Crime and Punishment Ⅲ -Svidrigailov-”
- July 2017, at Tatwerk, Berlin
6 Day Theater-Butoh experiment
In this workshop we learn the Butoh method and also experience creating process of Theater-Butoh piece. The motif of the performance is some novels by Franz Kafka.
We need a high energy for this intensive work. It requires strong wills of the participants.
This workshop is based on "Butoh-fu ("fu" means score in Japanese)". Butoh-fu has been transmitted orally by Tatsumi Hijikata. His choreographic method aims "to physicalize images through words," and those words are called Butoh-fu. Every word of this notation has its own choreographic meaning for the performer. The mold of Butoh-fu is very strict, but there is also a lot of blank space entrusted to a dancer. Butoh-fu can provide a vast image for an artist. We will also build up strong bodies and voices by using the training based on Suzuki-Method Actor's Training. You have to control strictly your own body in order to be free.-
Maco and Hikaru Inagawa make a Theater-Butoh piece with the participants through this Workshop. That piece based on the novels by Franz Kafka. Performances will be held in the last day of this Workshop.
Data from previous editions
"Absence" Kafka I
- January 2019, at Studio 2 des ITI, Berlin
"Existence" Kafka Ⅱ
- July 2020, at Studio 2 des ITI, Berlin
"Transcendence" Kafka Ⅲ
- August 2021, at Studio 2 des ITI, Berlin