Works of Butoh, dance, performance and acting,
solos, collaborations, guest appearances
solos, collaborations, guest appearances
Maco's solo performances, guest appearances, collaborative productions etc.
Lecture & Performance “Hans Bellmer”, Studio2 - Berlin
“über Stock und Stein” collaboration with Claudia Berg, Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände, Giardino Segreto - Berlin
"Humane Methods -Exhale- "by Fronte Vacuo, at Volkstheater - Wien, Viennatanzhaus nrw - Düsseldorf, Radialsystem/ CTM FESTIVAL - Berlin
“schattengewächse /ヒカゲノ” collaboration with Claudia Berg, Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände, Giardino Segreto - Berlin
"CUNTethics & SQUATconstellations" with yuko Kaseki, Teo Vlad, Lea Kieffer, Mieko Suzuki, Maco and more, Dock11, Heizhaus - Berlin
“Invisible Friend” Solo butoh performance in project: “A Utopian Stage: ‘The Shifting Sands of Utopias: A Cultural Atlas’’ by SAVVY Contemporary
“Im Garten der Verwandlungen” collaboration with Claudia Berg Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände, Giardino Segreto - Berlin
Music Video “Nuka-The Engine Room” Disziplin Filmproduktion
Appeared in “Full Moon Cabaret” Berlin Germany
“Hiroshima”BUtoh-Solo, Amalgam-Solo Fes, Acker Stadt Palast - Berlin
“so nah - so fern /近くて,とても遠い。” collaboration with Claudia Berg, Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände, Giardino Segreto - Berlin
“so nah - so fern /近くて,とても遠い。”
“In einem fremden Garten /不思議の庭で ”collaboration with Claudia Berg, Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände, Giardino Segreto - Berlin
“CELLuLOID” Collaboration with Yuko Kaseki and Hikaru Inagawa, Dock11 - Berlin
“Hiroshima“ BUtoh-Solo, ACUD Theater - Berlin
“In einem fremden Garten /不思議の庭で ” collaboration with Claudia Berg, Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände, Giardino Segreto - Berlin
“Leuchtstaub” Butoh Solo(with Kana Sato violin) FREISTIL - DIE KUNST DER IMPROVISATION, Tanzfabrik Berlin Kreuzberg
“Zurückbleiben Bitte ” choreograph by Claudia Berg
Natur- Park Schöneberger Südgelände, Drehscheibe - Berlin
"HIROSHIMA" Butoh Solo Tatwerk - Berlin
“INFANT MELEE 1 ” Produced by Yuko Kaseki Studio44 in Berlin
“Red Delusion ”(With Yuko Kaseki&Hikaru Inagawa) , gape03, Plateau Gallery in Berlin
2013 Moved to Berlin
“Architecture of Absence / ANICONIC ” directed by Yuko Kaseki / Isak Immanue
Dock11 in Berlinl
”Yameru Maihime(The Sick Prima Donna) by Tatsumi Hijikata /Choreographed by Yukio Waguri
Kazuo Ohno Festival 2012
Left Ku Na'uka Theater Company
Co-founded 4RUDE and has appeared in all of its performances
"Jodo" Directed by Satoshi Miyagi
Music composed by James Wood
Percussion: Kuniko Kato
Maco played three roles in the performance piece
Butoh dance choreographed and performed by Yukio Waguri
Maco appeared as one of the butoh dancers2002
Produced a film: "Haridote"
Maco joined Ku Na'uka Theatre Company (directed by Satoshi Miyagi) and has played major roles in plays:
"Medea (1999)", "Oedipus(2000)", "Machbeth (2001)","Street Car Named Desire (2002)", "Mahabharata (2003)"
"sora no koe, mizu no ribon(voice of the sky, ribbons of water)"
Created and performed the solo dance performance at Jian Jian, Tokyo
Dance performances: "Night Dada," "Deus ex machina," "Retour de la Bell Jardiniere" (directed by Satoru Kawamura)
Involved with Shemhamphorash , a dance workshop based on 'labyrinth dance' method

Photo: Hector Riveros

Photo: Rebecca Stella